Mastering Intents in Android: A Guide for Effective Communication between Components

Mastering Intents in Android: A Guide for Effective Communication between Components

Intent is an important concept in Android Development that is important for creating applications that can interact with different activities in a module or with other applications in a device. It is an abstract definition for a function performing different operations such as taking a photo, sending a message and redirecting to the google maps application after clicking a link etc. In this article, we will discuss what is intent in Android and how to use it to make applications more functional and efficient.

What is Intent ?

An Intent is an object that is used to facilitate communication between various components in an Android application. It is a messaging system that allows you to launch activities, services, and broadcast receivers. An Intent can be used to start an activity, start a service, or broadcast a message to other components of an application.

An intent has two main components, action, and data. The action specifies the type of operation to be performed, such as opening a web page, making a phone call, or sending an email. The data specifies the content to be used, such as a URL for a web page, a phone number for a call, or an email address for an email. An intent can have both an action and data or just one of them.

How to use Intent in Android ?

To use an Intent in Android, you need to first create an instance of the Intent object and set its properties as required.

Intent can be used to :

  • startActivity()

  • startService()

  • sendBroadcast()

Starting an Activity

To start an activity using an Intent, you need to create an instance of the Intent and set the action and data properties as required. You can then call the startActivity method of the current activity to launch the new activity.

For example, the following code shows how to start a new activity that displays a web page:

val intent = Intent(this,
intent.putExtra("USER_NAME", "John")

Here, this refers to the current context or activity where this code is being executed. And, expression, which represents the class of the activity that should be started when the intent is launched.

putExtra() is used to add extra data to an Intent object. This method allows you to add various types of data such as strings, integers, booleans, and arrays to the Intent object.

When you call the putExtra() method on an Intent object, you need to specify a key-value pair. The first parameter is the key, which is a String that identifies the data you're passing. The second parameter is the value, which is the actual data you want to pass. In this example, you can pass a user's name from one activity to another, you could use a key like "USER_NAME" to identify the value. Here, the value is John.

In the receiving activity, you can retrieve the value using the same key:

val userName = intent.getStringExtra("USER_NAME")

In the NewActivity class (i.e. a class inside a new activity), we store the received data in the variable userName, from the key ("USER_NAME") that holds the string data (here, John). Then, we can use the data as we wish further in the activity.

getStringExtra() is used to retrieve a string value from an Intent object that was previously added using putExtra(). This method retrieves the string value associated with a specified key.

Starting a Service

To start a service using an Intent, you need to create an instance of the Intent and set the action and data properties as required. You can then call the startService method of the current activity or context to start the service.

For example, the following code shows how to start a service that plays music:

val intent = Intent(this,
intent.action = MusicService.ACTION_PLAY

ACTION_PLAY is a constant value representing an action that an Intent object can perform. Specifically, ACTION_PLAY is a string constant that is defined in the MediaStore class, and is used to launch an activity or service that plays audio or video content.

For example, if you have an application that plays videos instead of music, you might use the constant value ACTION_VIEW instead of ACTION_PLAY to indicate that you want to open a video player to view a video. In this case, you would set the action of your Intent to Intent.ACTION_VIEW instead of MusicService.ACTION_PLAY.

There are a lot of constant value that represents a different action, some of the commonly used are :

Constant ValueDescription
Intent.ACTION_VIEWLaunches an activity that can view the data specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_SENDLaunches an activity that can send the data specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_EDITLaunches an activity that can edit the data specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_DIALLaunches the phone dialer with the phone number specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_CALLInitiates a phone call to the phone number specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCHLaunches a web search with the query specified by the Intent's data field.
Intent.ACTION_VIEW_DOWNLOADSLaunches the downloads screen to view downloads.
Intent.ACTION_PICKLaunches an activity to pick a piece of content from the user's device.
Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTEDSent when the device is connected to a power source.
Intent.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTEDSent when the device is disconnected from a power source.

Broadcasting a Message

To broadcast a message using an Intent, you need to create an instance of the Intent and set the action and data properties as required. You can then call the sendBroadcast method of the current activity or context to broadcast the message.

val intent = Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE).apply {
putExtra(DownloadManager.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_ID, downloadId)}

In this example, the Intent has an action of ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE and an extra parameter of the download ID. The sendBroadcast method is then called to broadcast the message and notify other components of the application that the download has completed.


In conclusion, Intent is a powerful mechanism in Android that enables communication between various components of an application and other applications on the device. By understanding how to use intents in your Android app, you can implement features such as launching other activities, sending data between components, starting services, and broadcasting system events. The Intent class provides a wide range of methods and options for customization, allowing you to tailor your implementation to fit the specific needs of your application.

Whether you're developing a music player app, a file downloader, or any other type of application, understanding how to use Intents effectively is an important skill for any Android developer. With the right implementation, you can create a seamless user experience and unlock the full potential of your app.

I hope this article has provided you with a good introduction to Intents in Android and how to use them in your own projects. Remember to refer to the official Android documentation for more detailed information and examples on using Intents in your app.