Why Kotlin over Java for Android Development?

Why Kotlin over Java for Android Development?

Overview of Kotlin and its Features

Kotlin is a modern language that is developed by JetBrains, the same company that made the IntelliJ IDE. It is a statically typed language( i.e. the compiler checks the data types of variables and expressions before compilation which helps in early error detection and improved performance), its also completely interoperable with Java, meaning that Kotlin code can be used seamlessly with Java code.

Some of the key features that make Kotlin a popular choice among Android Developers are :

  1. Concise syntax: When compared to Java Kotlin has very simple syntax, thus concise. This means that developers can write more efficient and readable code with fewer lines of code.

  2. Null safety: Kotlin has built-in methods to avoid null pointer exceptions, which lead to app crashes.

  3. Extension function: Kotlin allows developers to create a new function for a class without inheriting from them or use design patterns such as Decorators.

  4. Data classes: Data class is a special class that has predefined methods such as equal(), hashCode(), and toString(), which make handling data more efficient within the class with less code.

  5. Coroutines: Kotlin includes built-in support for coroutines, which are a lightweight alternative to threads that make it easier to write asynchronous code.

  6. Type inference: Kotlin is designed to minimize the need for developers to specify types explicitly, making it easier and faster to write code

By providing a more modern and streamlined approach to Android development, Kotlin has become a popular choice among Android App Developers.

Comparing Kotlin to Java for Android Development





Kotlin code is generally considered to be as performant as Java code since both languages compile to bytecode that runs on the JVM.

Java code is generally considered to be highly performant on the Android platform since it has been used for Android development for many years and is well-optimized.

Learning curve

Kotlin has a relatively low learning curve, especially if you already know Java. Its syntax and features are designed to be intuitive and easy to learn.

Java has a steeper learning curve than Kotlin, especially if you're new to programming. Its syntax and features can be more complex and less intuitive than Kotlin.

Tooling support

Kotlin has good tooling support, with plugins available for popular IDEs like Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA. It also has good integration with build tools like Gradle.

Java has excellent tooling support, with a mature ecosystem of IDEs, build tools, and other developer tools available.

Community and ecosystem

Kotlin has a growing and active community of developers, with a range of libraries and frameworks available for Android development.

Java has a large and well-established community of developers, with a huge range of libraries and frameworks available for Android development.

Large tech companies are shifting their entire code base from Java to Kotlin, some of them are :

CompanyKotlin use case
PinterestBackend services, mobile apps, machine learning platforms, data pipelines
UberMobile apps, backend services, internal tools and libraries
NetflixAndroid app development, backend services, machine learning, data science
TrelloAndroid app, backend services, internal tools and libraries
AtlassianAndroid app development, backend services, internal tools and libraries
EvernoteAndroid app, backend services, internal tools and libraries
CourseraAndroid app, backend services, internal tools and libraries
BasecampAndroid app, backend services, internal tools and libraries

Even Facebook from Meta is shiting to Koltin from Java, converting 10 million lines to code from Java to Kotlin.


In conclusion, Kotlin is a modern programming language that offers many advantages over Java, particularly in the context of Android development. With features such as null safety, extension functions, and data classes, Kotlin makes development faster and more efficient. While Java still remains widely used, Kotlin is rapidly gaining popularity and is predicted to be the future of Android development. Therefore, learning Kotlin is a wise decision for any Android developer looking to stay up-to-date and remain competitive in the industry.